Sunday 13 August 2017


so, yeah, since the gunung ledang trip is postponed to 24/9...i decided to go back to Penang. that weekend, angah decided to lepak with her friends and abandoned me at home, alone ...akma and his dad came to penang. they came by flight. they had lunch at home cooked : asam pedas ikan pari, ikan bawal masak sweet sour, kacang panjang goreng campur, sambal belacan belimbing buluh, telur goreng. so yeah, after that, they began the ever hot discussion regarding akma and along's problem. it went on until evening. i went down occasionally to ensure that no one is teary n etc. the discussion ended with a few promises by akma n along. i told abah that i wanted to eat kapitan because i was jealous that fatin posted that she ate kapitan, so yeah, that night we went to eat kapitan after maghrib. before we parted : akma n his dad and abah in one car, me n mum n along in another car, i asked for akma's cell number, because i wanted to talk to him n ask him about stuff. so, after that, i went home and fell asleep while trying to finish up my contract law assignment. the next morning, i was so caught up in finishing my assignment that i lose track of time n by 8:20 am , mum rushed into my room looking at me, not ready yet, she scolded me, n i move like the wind, trying to sumbat everything inside my lugage bag. after that, i went to change my bus ticket, but the counterwasn't open, i decided to just go to the platform n just ask the bus there. once the bus driver confirmed the bus, mom was there, i ran to the toilet for a while, gave mum a proper goodbye, and went in the bus. the bus stopped at butterworth, ipoh, an RnR, TBS, Seremban n lastly; Melaka Sentral...i rushed to pray asar = zohor before booking a Grab back to MMU. Alina (knowing that she didn't do the assignment, to the extend that she doesn't even read her groupmate's work) called me and asked me to explain it to her, while i was still in the bus. I called her after reaching my room, to which she didn't pick up. i decided to call akma for a while, i asked him, what did dad said to him netc, how is his opinion regarding abah, n etc...he is kind off hoping to re-bond along an abah, which is for me, a good thing. he told me that he doesn't really know abah, and due to distance, it is hard for him to bond with abah. i told him, that distance is nothing when your thoughts are there. i told him what abah feeels regading him n along as individuals n together, n what abah likes(maybe he can use it to bond with abah)...he told me that he is not the 'bodek' kind..i told him that look at it like this, you and your dad have known each other for 28 years, n then suddenly you will have another man to be considered as your dad, you will need to start fresh with him, and you must make the effort to know him, ask him regarding stuff that he likes n stuff, n etc...n then i realised that we spoke around 1 hour, i hung up the phone, prayed maghrib n then asked shomen regarding the progress of the assignment n stuff...n then, i decided to update my, that is it for this weekend. adios, amigos.

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